LCA Middle

National Pro-Life Alliance Q

To: Congressman Alex Mooney
National Pro-Life Alliance
5211 Port Royal Road Suite 500
Springfield, VA 22151


Dear Congressman Mooney,

Thank you for briefing me on the National Pro-Life Alliance’s campaign to pass a Life at Conception Act which will end abortion on demand.

The Supreme Court itself said in Roe that once Congress establishes the personhood of unborn children, they must be protected by the 14th Amendment.

Since the Supreme Court is still waiting for someone to tell them who the law counts as persons, let’s not wait another minute!

To help in the battle for a Life at Conception Act, I have signed my petition and am chipping in with a donation of:

Note: For the next 21 days a major donor will match all contributions, increasing your gift to the National Pro-Life Alliance by 100%!